Momentum Blog

Introducing Free Checking: Same Account, No Monthly Fee

Arizona Financial is excited to announce we’re making banking easier with the introduction of free checking for our members. No monthly service fee, no transaction requirements! With the roll out of ...
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CU News Fall 2023

Here's the latest news and announcements for the members of Arizona Financial Credit Union.
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Supercharge Your Savings: End-of-Summer Savings Tips

With summer winding down, it’s a great time to reflect on your financial goals and boost your savings. Whether you’re saving for a vacation, preparing for upcoming expenses or building a nest egg, ...
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Don’t Get Caught in a Debt Collection Scam

No one likes to be in debt. It’s a downward spiral that never seems to end, and it’s an expensive burden to carry, too. Unfortunately, scammers often exploit the feelings of helplessness to lure ...
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Top Uses of a Small Business Loan

You’d like to think your cash flow will always be enough to pay all your business’ bills and keep you operating, but sometimes you need an infusion of capital. Here are six popular ways to use a ...
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Popular Money Tips That Aren’t All That Great

When it comes to money, everyone has an opinion, and they want to share it with the world. Unfortunately, though, popularity in and of itself does not make an opinion true. Let’s take a look at three ...
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6 Ways To Pay Less At The Pump

With the rising cost of gas nationwide, the pain at the pump is real. There isn’t much you can do about the price of gasoline, but there are ways you can pay less at the pump. Here are six ways to ...
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Saving For An Emergency Fund

When life is comfortable and things are going well, it’s hard to think about experiencing harder times. But failing to plan for stormier days can have a devastating impact on your financial health. ...
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Is This a Good Time to Open a CD?

Q:  I’m looking for a place to park my savings, and one option I’m considering is a certificate of deposit. Is this a good time to open one?
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